400+ Substrate and Polkadot Resources
A curated list of awesome blogs, events, docs, podcasts, videos, academic research, and, diagrams of Substrate, Polkadot, ParityTech and Web3 Foundation.

A curated list of awesome resources of Substrate, Polkadot, ParityTech and Web3 Foundation.
Substrate is an open-source framework that lets you build entire, configurable blockchains in minimal time. Optionally, you can then deploy your blockchain to the Polkadot network, which has pooled security and other advantages. See a detailed summary here.
With Substrate, you get the following *customizable- functionalities out-of-the-box:
A default PoS blockchain
Upgradable runtimes
Pluggable consensus (PoS, PoW, PoA)
Block production, synchronization
Efficient storage
Efficient state machine
P2P networking layer
Built in crypto primitives
Light client support
Suite of libraries to modify runtime logic, i.e. manage storage, accounts, staking, a treasury, consensus and more
UI kits
- Gavin Wood
- Parity Blog
- Polkadot
- Polkadot Team
- Robert Habermeier
- Web3 Foundation
- Web3 Foundation Team
Community Blogs
Key Articles
- What is Substrate
- Substrate in a nutshell
- Never fork again
- Substrate has arrived
- A brief summary of everything Substrate and Polkadot
- Everything you Need to Know to Prepare for Polkadot
Join the Meetup Group for Substrate events, talks, and workshops near you.
Official Wikis
- Substrate Documentation: Official reference docs for Substrate in Rust
- Substrate Wiki: Tutorials, samples, and in-depth explanations
- Polkadot Wiki: Tutorials, samples, and in-depth explanations
- Research Wiki: Early research, what's coming down the road
- UI Wiki: JS API for Polkadot and Substrate
- Gitter
- Reddit dot
- Reddit polkadot_market
- Reddit web3
- Riot substrate
- Riot watercooler
- Telegram official
- Twitter parity
- Twitter polkadot
- Twitter w3f
- Web3 Foundation Forum
- Blog: technical decisions and company culture
- Stack Overflow: Q&A support for
- Substrate Reddit: Substrate community forum
- Polkadot Reddit: Polkadot community forum
- PolkaWorld: Polkadot Chinese community
- Partnering with Longhash on a Polkadot incubator program
- BABE, Blind Assignment for Blockchain Extension, deploy Ouroboros Praos style block production
- DOT, Receive the native testnet token
- messaging, A Decentralised Privacy-Preserving Communication Protocol
- NPoS, a scheme used to select the validators implemented in the Polkadot blockchain
- Parachains, Parachain Deployment and Querying
- Parity crates registration
- parity-book, mining on Ethereum and running & building Dapps
- plokadot-js wiki
- polkadot-re-spec, Incubator for Polkadot RE specc
- polkadot-spec, technical description of Polkadot protocol
- Polkadot Javascript API
- Polkadot UI
- Polkadot Wiki GitHub @paritytech
- Polkadot Wiki, on GitHub
- Substrate Developer Hub
- Substrate Wiki
- swarms, New, completed and in-progress features for Status
- Web3 Hub
Ecosystem Blockchains
- adex-protocol-substrate, Substrate implementation of the AdEx Protocol v4: OUTPACE & Registry
- apple-store-substrate, An apple store on substrate
- Chainx, Fully Decentralized Cross-chain Crypto Asset Management on Polkadot
- Edgeware, an experimental blockchain for demonstrating the effectiveness of on-chain governance
- katallassos, A Standard Framework for Finance
- KILT Prototype
- Kusama Network
- parity-contracts, production-related smart contracts
- parity-zcash
- Plasm, Plasma x Substrate Blockchain
- shasper, Shasper beacon chain implementation using the Substrate framework
- Starlog, Metadata Blockchain based on Substrate
- substrate-node-joystream, A user governed video platform
- substrate-node-robonomics, , AIRA project implements the standard of economic interaction between human-robot and robot-robot via liability smart contract
- zero-chain, A privacy-protecting blockchain on Substrate
- Teams building on Polkadot
Ecosystem Tools
- bellman-substrate, A library for supporting zk-SNARKs to Substrate
- cumulus, A set of tools for writing Polkadot parachains that are based on Substrate
- go-pre, Golang Polkadot Runtime Environment Implementation
- ink, Parity's ink to write smart contracts
- Jaco’s UI for Substrate and Polkadot built with React.js and RxJS
- lightbeam, optimising streaming WebAssembly compiler designed for optimal performance in Substrate's smart contract subsystem
- pdsl, Parity's DSL for Smart Contracts
- Polkabot, network monitoring and reporting
- polkadot cpp, C++ Polkadot Runtime Environment Implementation
- Polkadash, Dashboard displaying all current validators and governance proposals
- Polkascan, Real-time multi-chain data for Polkadot Relay Chain and Parity Substrate chains
- Speckle OS, Building the new web on Polkadot
- substrate-merkle-tree, Merkle tree module and substrate node
- substrate-module-multisig, Experimental Substrate module for multisignature wallet management
- Substrate UI, built with the Bonds oo7 librar
- Telemetry, Information services website listing names and location of all active nodes
- srtool
Projects using Substrate
Showcasing projects built on Substrate
- Substrate multisig. Repo
- Merkle tree module. Repo
- Parking spaces registry using Substrate. Repo
- An "Apple Store": sells apples using Substrate. Repo
- ChainLink - developing an oracle (announcement)
- DataHighway - decentralized IoT roaming, mining (locking, signalling), inter-chain data market, DAO (website, docs & technical paper, Github)
- 0x protocol - decentralized exchange (Tweet)
- Aragon - unstoppable organizations, DAOs (Presentation)
- AdEx - implementing their registry (announcement)
- ChainX - developing a Bitcoin and Ethereum bridge (announcement)
- Ocean Protocol - ecosystem for sharing data (presentations)
- Energy Web Foundation - building an energy network (announcement)
- iExec - decentralized cloud computing (announcement)
- Edgeware - building a WASM-based smart contract platform (website)
- ZeroChain - zK-SNARKs chain built on Substrate (announcement)
- Robonomics - cyber-physical systems integration (Twitter status)
- MXC - IoT protocol (website & technical paper)
- Joystream - A user governed video platform (announcement)
- Asure Network - social security network (website)
- Kilt Protocol - identity trust market (website)
- PACTCare - Metadata Blockchain based on Substrate called Starlog (GitHub)
- Blink Network - lightning fast payments (website)
- Akropolis - global pensions infrastructure (announcement)
- LayerX - zk-SNARKs chain (announcement)
- Plasm - Plasm is a Substrate Runtime Module Library allows developers to add Plasma functions to their Substrate chain (GitHub)
- Speckle OS - universal identity and account parachain (announcement)
- Evolution Land - a virtual management game based on blockchain (Github)
- Katal Chain - Standard Framework for Finance (website)
- Substrate Api Client - a rust library for connecting to substrate RPC API over websockets (Github)
- Encointer - an egalitarian cryptocurrency and decentralized identity system (encointer.org / Github)
- Substrate Dex - an decentrolized exchange demo build by substrate (Github)
- Starmesh - 🛰🌍 Earth Observation data. 👀 Cryptographically verifiable and 🕸 distributed. (website, Github, Twitter)
- KodaDot - VueJs wallet & governance dashboard for @polkadot and @substrate_io based networks. - (website, Github, Twitter)
- Subsocial - A protocol for social networks and marketplaces. (website, GitHub, Twitter)
- Byzantine Finality Gadgets
- GRANDPA, Polkadot Consensus Research
- Polkadot Light Paper
- Polkadot White Paper
- apps, Basic Polkadot/Substrate UI for interacting with a node
- client, WIP and POC JavaScript version of a simplified Polkadot network client
- cumulus, Write Parachains on Substrate
- finality-grandpa, GHOST-based Recursive ANcestor Deriving Prefix Agreement
- messaging, Messaging for Web3
- parity-bridge, Bridge between any two ethereum-based networks
- polkadot, Polkadot Node Implementation
- rust-libp2p, The Rust Implementation of libp2p networking stack
- substrate, The platform for blockchain innovators
- substrate-ui, Bondy Polkadot UI
- parity-wasm, WebAssembly serialization/deserialization in Rust
- pwasm-ethereum, Collection of externs to interact with ethereum-like network
- pwasm-std, Wasm-oriented general purpose std replacement for minimal binary sizes
- pwasm-test, a set of tools to make it easy to test internal logic of contracts written using pwasm-std
- wasm-utils, Contract-oriented collection of build tools for Rust
- wasmi, Wasm interpreter in Rust enables the Wasm code to access and interact with the blockchain
- Web3 Foundation and Polkadot by Gavin Wood
- The Next Evolution of the Internet by Gavin Wood
- History of Web3 by Ryan Zurrer at Polkadot Seoul, December 2018
- Introducing Polkadot by Gavin Wood at London Ethereum Meetup, July 2017
- Benjamin Kampmann, A New Dawn: Building DApps with Substrate, 20190208
- Benjamin Kampmann, WASM in the wild, 20181107
- Gavin Wood, Building Tech That Protects Our Interests, 20190806
- Gavin Wood, AMA with Dr. Gavin Wood at Sub0: Substrate Developer Conference, 20190510
- Gavin Wood, Substrate Module Overview + Future Directions, Polkadot Governance at Sub0, 20190510
- Gavin Wood, Gavin Wood & Jehan Chu: "The Common Ground of Ethereum and Polkadot", 20090502
- Gavin Wood, So you want to stake on Polkadot, 20090502
- Gavin Wood, Firesidechat with Vitalik Buterin and Gavin Wood, 20190415
- Gavin Wood, Governance, what, why, and how, 20190415
- Gavin Wood, Upcoming Polkadot Developments at the M1 Conference, 20190208
- Gavin Wood, Polkadot Meetup @ Neutrino Beijing, 20181206
- Gavin Wood, Vlad and Gav go head-to-head on blockchain governance, 20181121
- Gavin Wood, Epicenter #259 Gavin Wood: Substrate, Polkadot and the Case for On-Chain Governance, 20181031
- Gavin Wood, Substrate: A Rustic Vision for Polkadot by Gavin Wood at Web3 Summit, 20181023, slides
- Gavin Wood, on Polkadot, Sharding and Substrate, 20181010
- Gavin Wood, presents Parity Substrate at EventHorizon18, with Q&A panel including Christoph Jentzsch (Slock.it) and Ed Hesse (Energy Web Foundation), 20180530, slides
- Gavin Wood, presents Polkadot Governance at EDCon Toronto, 20180504, slides
- Gavin Wood, ZeroKnowledgeFM 12: How to become a blockchain developer? We ask Gavin Wood, 20180215
- Gavin Wood, The Journey to Web3 at the M-0 conference in Zug, 20171129
- Gavin Wood, Polkadot Overview at Ethereum London, 20170710
- Gavin Wood, Polkadot - the internet of blockchains has arrived, 20161207
- Ivo Georgiev, Building Payment Channels with Substrate, 20190310
- Jack Fransham, Jutta Steiner, hack.summit("blockchain”), 20180713
- Jutta Steiner, ZeroKnowledgeFM 58: Kicking off 2019 with Jutta Steiner, 20190102
- Jutta Steiner, Fireside Chat with Jutta Steiner at TechCrunch Sessions Blockchain, 20180706
- Maciej Hirsz, ZeroKnowledgeFM 5: A fireside chat with a couple Parity peeps, 20171218
- Peter Czaba, Polkadot – The Internet of Blockchain Networks, 20170904
- Presentation material
- Relay Chain Podcast
- Robert Habermeier, Polkadot, a framework for writing specialized blockchains & a consensus system to glue them together, 20190515
- Robert Habermeier, How does Polkadot Compare to Ethereum & Cosmos, 20190424
- Robert Habermeier, on GRANDPA consensus in Polkadot at EthCC 2, 20190310
- Robert Habermeier, Polkadot & Parity Substrate at Polkadot SF, 20181212
- Robert Habermeier, Shasper on Substrate by Robert Habermeier (Devcon4), 20181210
- Robert Habermeier, Polkadot for Developers: Status, Roadmap and Tools, 20181208
- Robert Habermeier, Implications of Interoperability by Robert Habermeier at Web3 Summit 2018, 20181023
- Robert Habermeier, presents Polkadot's Interoperability, 20180711
- Robert Habermeier, presents Parity Substrate at the Berlin Truebit Meetup, 20180518
- Robert Habermeier, Consensus: ZeroKnowledgeFM 15 - Chatting about Consensus Algorithms with Robert Habermeier, 20180308
- Shawn Tabrizi, ETHParis Using Substrate to build custom blockchains, 20190324, slides
- Robert Habermeier, How Polkadot works, July 2018
- Thibaut Sardan, Light Clients: What is a blockchain node?, November 2018
- Thibaut Sardan, Light Clients: Why light clients are the future, October 2018
- Amaury Martiny, Light Clients:
: building DApps on top of a light client, October 2018 - Adrian Brink at Polkadot Seoul, Parachains vs Smart Contracts, December 2018
- Alistair Stewart, Adrian Brink and Andrew Jones at Polkadot Seoul, Parachains vs Smart Contracts Panel, December 2018
- Mike Goelzer at Web3 Summit, Libp2p: A Modular, P2P Networking Stack, October 2018
- Alex Beregszaszi, Peter Czaban, Sergei Shulepov & Lane Rettig at Web3 Summit, WebAssembly: WASM for Web 3.0 Panel, October 2018
- Benjamin Kampmann at Rust Cologne, WebAssembly: Rust Cologne, WASM in the wild, November 2018
- Governance: Epicenter #259 Gavin Wood: Substrate, Polkadot and the Case for On-Chain Governance
- Governance: Web3 Summit Governance Panel
Substrate and Polkadot
- ZeroKnowledgeFM 83: From Warp Sync to SPREE with Polkadot's Rob Habermeier
- Motivating Polkadot by Bjorn Wagner, Fred Harrysson, August 2018
- Polkadot and Parity Substrate by Bjorn Wagner, Robert Habermeier at Polkadot SF, December 2018
- A Case for Substrate and Polkadot by Fabian Gompf, October 2018
Tutorial Repositories
- dapp-tutorial, The Dapp tutorial at its various stages
- mydapp, Code from the dapp tutorial
- parachain, Basic parachain that adds a number as part of its state
- parity-poa-tutorial, A complete set of files produced in the Parity PoA chain tutorial
- ParkingSpaceSubstrate, Basic demo for parking spaces registry using substrate node template
- polkadot, Install Polkadot's client and connect to the global PoC-2 testnet
- pwasm-repo-contract, Sample repo contract written in Rust and compiled to WebAssembly
- pwasm-token-example, A complete implementation of ERC20
- pwasm-tutorial, A step-by-step tutorial on how to write contracts in Wasm for Kovan
- substrate, simple example of a runtime module, demonstrating concepts, APIs and structures common to most runtime modules
- substrate-contracts-adder, serge pepyakin demo wasm smartcontract
- substrate-proof-of-existence
- utxo-workshop, A Substrate UTXO workshop
- wasm-example, how we compiled libp2p into wasm and made it run in the browser, slides
Tutorial Step by Step
- Build a Custom Substrate Runtime: A coin-flip game DAppChain with @gavofyork
- Build Substrate Kitties: A cryptokitty DAppChain on Substrate by @shawntabrizi
- Build a TCR Chain: A token curated registry DAppChain on Substrate by @Gautamdhameja
- Build a UTXO Chain: A utxo chain on Substrate by @Dmitriy K.
- [New!]** Write Smart Contracts in Ink: A new, domain specific language around writing smart contracts in Substrate.
- Creating a custom Substrate chain
- Deploying a Smart Contract on Substrate Node
- Deploying a Substrate Node chain
- Governance "Public" Mechanism with a Substrate Node Chain
- How to build a Custom Substrate Module from scratch
- How To Build Your Own Blockchain Using Parity Substrate, 20190411
- Polkadot Webinar on Crowdcast
- Proof of Existence Blockchain with Substrate
- Running a Validator on Polkadot, Workshop Commands and Links
- Substrate Collectables Workshop
- Substrate Collaborative Learning
- Substrate Poker Walkthrough, 20190812
- Governance Patterns from the SRML, 20190729
- Loosely Coupled Modules Live Coding, 20190715, Source Code of Marketplace, Source Code of state-changer
- Substrate Runtime Traits, 20190701
- Add the Contracts Module to Substrate Node Template, 20190617
- Start a Private Blockchain with Substrate, 20190603
- Substrate Contracts Workshop
- Substrate node, Install and run a Substrate node on BBQ-Birch testnet
- Substrate Runtime Recipes
- Validator Nodes and Nominators on Substrate chains
- ZeroKnowledgeFM 58: Kicking off 2019 with Jutta Steiner
- ZeroKnowledgeFM 46: Gavin Wood on Polkadot, Sharding and Substrate
- ZeroKnowledgeFM 12: How to become a blockchain developer? We ask Gavin Wood
- ZeroKnowledgeFM 5: A fireside chat with a couple Parity peeps
YouTube Channels
*As of 8 Feb 2019
Helpful Diagrams
SRML is composable
Substrate parallelises transactions:
You can hack at various layers of Substrate:
Polkadot is composable
Polkadot chains
Relay chain vs Parachain
How PoS staking affects finality:
Polkadot pools security:
Difference btw Polkadot parachains vs Substrate chains:
Relaychain, parachains, bridgechains
Solo chains, bridge chains, parachains
Transaction flow: