Hands-on IPLD Tutorial in Golang: PART 2 In this article of the IPLD series, we will enhance the current code to handle document entries instead of key-value entries.
Building an Online Publishing Platform on IPLD In this tutorial, we will go through how IPLD works and build an online publishing platform. * Understanding IPLD * Creating an IPLD node * Connecting IPLD objects * Reading Nested data using Links * Creating a Publication System You can check out the complete code for the tutorial here. If you want to follow
Merkle-DAGs The Merkle-DAG spec has been deprecated in favor of IPLD. It offers a clearer description of how to link different kinds of hash-based structures (e.g. linking a file in IPFS to a commit in Git), has a more generalized and flexible format, and uses a JSON-compatible representation, among other