IPFS Cluster Configuration

IPFS Cluster Configuration

All IPFS Cluster configurations and persistent data can be found, by default, at the ~/.ipfs-cluster folder. For more information about the persistent data in this folder, see the Data, backups and recovery section.

ipfs-cluster-service -c <path> sets the location of the configuration folder. This is also controlled by the IPFS_CLUSTER_PATH environment variable.

The ipfs-cluster-service program uses two main configuration files:

  • service.json, containing the cluster peer configuration, usually identical in all cluster peers.
  • identity.json, containing the unique identity used by each peer.


The identity.json file is auto-generated during ipfs-cluster-service init.  It includes a base64-encoded private key and the public peer ID  associated to it. This peer ID identifies the peer in the Cluster. You  can see an example here.

This file is not overwritten when re-running ipfs-cluster-service -f init. If you wish to generate a new one, you will need to delete it first.

Manual identity generation

When automating a deployment or creating configurations for several  peers, it might be handy to generate peer IDs and private keys manually  beforehand.

You can obtain a valid peer ID and its associated private key in the format expected by the configuration using ipfs-key as follows:

ipfs-key -type ed25519 | base64 -w 0


The service.json file holds all the configurable options  for the cluster peer and its different components. The configuration  file is divided in sections. Each section represents a component. Each  item inside the section represents an implementation of that component  and contains specific options. A default service.json file with sensible values is created when running ipfs-cluster-service init.

Important: The cluster section of the configuration stores a 32 byte hex-encoded secret which secures communication among all cluster peers. The secret must be shared by all cluster peers. Using an empty secret has security implications (see the Security section).If present, the `CLUSTER_SECRET` environment  value is used when running `ipfs-cluster-service init` to set the  cluster `secret` value.

As an example, this is a default service.json configuration file.

The file looks like:

  "source": "url" // a single source field may appear for remote configurations
  "cluster": {...},
  "consensus": {
    "crdt": {...}, // either crdt or raft
    "raft": {...},
  "api": {
    "ipfsproxy": {...},
    "restapi": {...}
  "ipfs_connector": {
    "ipfshttp": {...}
  "pin_tracker": {
    "maptracker": {...},
    "stateless": {...}
  "monitor": {
    "pubsubmon": {...}
  "informer": {
    "disk": {...},
  "observations": {
    "metrics": {...},
    "tracing": {...}
  "datastore": {
    "badger": {...}

The different sections and subsections are documented in detail below.

Using environment variables to overwrite configuration values

All the options in the configuration file can be can be overridden by setting environment variables. i.e. CLUSTER_SECRET will overwrite the secretvalue; CLUSTER_LEAVEONSHUTDOWN will overwrite the leave_on_shutdown value; CLUSTER_RESTAPI_CORSALLOWEDORIGINS will overwrite the restapi.cors_allowed_origins value.

In general the environment variable takes the form CLUSTER_<COMPONENTNAME>_KEYWITHOUTUNDERSCORES=value. Environment variables will be applied to the resultant configuration file when generating it with ipfs-cluster-service init.

Remote configurations

Since version 0.11.0, the service.json may be initialized with a single source field containing a URL that points to a standard service.json file. This configuration is read on every start of the peer.

A remote service.json can be used to point all peers the  same configuration file stored in the same location. It is also  possible to use an URL pointing to an file provided through IPFS.

The cluster main section

The main cluster section of the configuration file configures the core component and contains the following keys:

Key Default Description
peername "<hostname>" A human name for this peer.
secret "<randomly generated>" The Cluster secret (must be the same in all peers).
leave_on_shutdown false The peer will remove itself from the cluster peerset on shutdown.
listen_multiaddress "/ip4/" The peers Cluster-RPC listening endpoint.
connection_manager { A connection manager configuration objec. t
    high_water 400 The maximum number of connections this peer will have. If it, connections will be closed until the low_water value is reached.
    low_water 100 The libp2p host will try to keep at least this many connections to other peers.
    grace_period "2m0s" New connections will not be dropped for at least this period.
state_sync_interval "10m0s" Interval between automatic triggers of StateSync.
ipfs_sync_interval "2m10s" Interval between automatic triggers of SyncAllLocal.
pin_recover_interval "1h0m0s" Interval between automatic triggers of RecoverAllLocal. This will automatically re-try pin and unpin operations that failed.
replication_factor_min -1 Specifies the default minimum number of peers that should be pinning an item. -1 == all.
replication_factor_max -1 Specifies the default maximum number of peers that should be pinning an item. -1 == all.
monitor_ping_interval "15s" Interval for sending a ping (used to detect downtimes).
peer_watch_interval "5s" Interval for checking the current cluster peerset and detect if this peer was removed from the cluster (and shut-down).
mdns_interval "10s" Interval between mDNS announce broadcasts. Setting it to "0" disables mDNS.
disable_repinning true Do not automatically re-pin all items allocated to a peer that becomes unhealthy (down).
follower_mode false Peers in follower mode provide useful error messages when trying to perform actions like pinning.

The leave_on_shutdown option allows a peer to remove itself from the peerset when shutting down cleanly. It is most relevant when using raft. This means that, for any subsequent starts, the peer will need to be bootstrapped in order to re-join the Cluster.

Manual secret generation

You can obtain a 32-bit hex encoded random string with:

export CLUSTER_SECRET=$(od  -vN 32 -An -tx1 /dev/urandom | tr -d ' \n')

The consensus section

The consensus contains a single configuration object for the chosen implementations of the consensus component (either crdt or raft, but not both).


Key Default Description
cluster_name "ipfs-cluster" An arbitrary name. It becomes the pubsub topic to which all peers in the cluster subscribe to, so it must be the same for all
trusted_peers [] The default set of trusted peers. See Trust in CRDT Mode for more information. Can be set to [ "*" ] to trust all peers.
peerset_metric "ping" The name of the monitor metric to determine the current pinset.
rebroadcast_interval "1m0s" How often to republish the current heads when no other pubsub message has been seen. Reducing this will allow new peers to learn about the current state sooner.


Key Default Description
init_peerset [] An array of peer IDs specifying the initial peerset when no raft state exists.
wait_for_leader_timeout "15s" How long to wait for a Raft leader to be elected before throwing an error.
network_timeout "10s" How long before Raft protocol network operations timeout.
commit_retries 1 How many times to retry committing an entry to the Raft log on failure.
commit_retry_delay "200ms" How long to wait before commit retries.
backups_rotate 6 How many backup copies on the state to keep when it’s cleaned up.
heartbeat_timeout "1s" See https://godoc.org/github.com/hashicorp/raft#Config .
election_timeout "1s" See https://godoc.org/github.com/hashicorp/raft#Config .
commit_timeout "50ms" See https://godoc.org/github.com/hashicorp/raft#Config .
max_append_entries 64 See https://godoc.org/github.com/hashicorp/raft#Config .
trailing_logs 10240 See https://godoc.org/github.com/hashicorp/raft#Config .
snapshot_interval "2m0s" See https://godoc.org/github.com/hashicorp/raft#Config .
snapshot_threshold 8192 See https://godoc.org/github.com/hashicorp/raft#Config .
leader_lease_timeout "500ms" See https://godoc.org/github.com/hashicorp/raft#Config .

Raft stores and maintains the peerset internally but the cluster  configuration offers the option to manually provide the peerset for the  first start of a peer using the init_peerset key in the raft section of the configuration. For example:

"init_peerset": [

This will allow you to start a Cluster from scratch with already fixed peerset.

The api section

The api section contains configurations for the  implementations of the API component, which are meant to provide  endpoints for the interaction with Cluster. Removing any of these  sections will disable the component. For example, removing the ipfsproxy section from the configuration will disable the proxy endpoint on the running peer.


This component provides the IPFS Proxy Endpoint. This is an API which  mimics the IPFS daemon. Some requests (pin, unpin, add) are hijacked  and handled by Cluster. Others are simply forwarded to the IPFS daemon  specified by node_multiaddress. The component is by default configured to mimic CORS headers configurations as present in the IPFS daemon. For that it triggers accessory requests to them (like CORS preflights).

Key Default Description
node_multiaddress "/ip4/" The listen addres of the IPFS daemon API.
listen_multiaddress "/ip4/" The proxy endpoint listening address.
node_https false Use HTTPS to talk to the IPFS API endpoint (experimental).
read_timeout "0s" Parameters for https://godoc.org/net/http#Server . Note setting this value might break adding to cluster, if the timeout is shorter than the time it takes to add something to the cluster.
read_header_timeout "30s" Parameters for https://godoc.org/net/http#Server .
write_timeout "0s" Parameters for https://godoc.org/net/http#Server . Note setting this value might break adding to cluster, if the timeout is shorter than the time it takes to add something to the cluster.
idle_timeout "30s" Parameters for https://godoc.org/net/http#Server .
extract_headers_extra [] If additional headers need to be extracted from the IPFS daemon and used in hijacked requests responses, they can be added here.
extract_headers_path "/api/v0/version" When extracting headers, a request to this path in the IPFS API is made.
extract_headers_ttl "5m" The extracted headers from extract_headers_path have a TTL. They will be remembered and only refreshed after the TTL.


This is the component which provides the REST API implementation to interact with Cluster.

Key Default Description
http_listen_multiaddress "/ip4/" The API HTTP listen endpoint. Set empty to disable the HTTP endpoint.
ssl_cert_file "" Path to an x509 certificate file. Enables SSL on the HTTP endpoint. Unless an absolute path, relative to config folder.
ssl_key_file "" Path to a SSL private key file. Enables SSL on the HTTP endpoint. Unless an absolute path, relative to config folder.
read_timeout "0s" Parameters for https://godoc.org/net/http#Server . Note setting this value might break adding to cluster, if the timeout is shorter than the time it takes to add something to the cluster.
read_header_timeout "30s" Parameters for https://godoc.org/net/http#Server .
write_timeout "0s" Parameters for https://godoc.org/net/http#Server . Note setting this value might break adding to cluster, if the timeout is shorter than the time it takes to add something to the cluster.
idle_timeout "30s" Parameters for https://godoc.org/net/http#Server .
libp2p_listen_multiaddress "" A listen multiaddress for the alternative libp2p host. See below.
id "" A peer ID for the alternative libp2p host (must match private_key). See below.
private_key "" A private key for the alternative libp2p host (must match id). See below.
basic_auth_credentials null An object mapping "username" to "password". It enables Basic Authentication for the API. Should be used with SSL-enabled or libp2p-endpoints.
headers null A key: [values] map of headers the API endpoint should return with each response to GET, POST, DELETE requests. i.e. "headers": {"header_name": [ "v1", "v2" ] }. Do not place CORS headers here, as they are fully handled by the options below.
http_log_file "" A file to write API log files (Apache Combined Format). Otherwise they are written to the Cluster log.
cors_allowed_origins ["*"] CORS Configuration: values for Access-Control-Allow-Origin.
cors_allowed_methods ["GET"] CORS Configuration: values for Access-Control-Allow-Methods.
cors_allowed_headers [] CORS Configuration: values for Access-Control-Allow-Headers.
cors_exposed_headers ["Content-Type", "X-Stream-Output", "X-Chunked-Output", "X-Content-Length"] CORS Configuration: values for Access-Control-Expose-Headers.
cors_allow_credentials true CORS Configuration: value for Access-Control-Allow-Credentials.
cors_max_age "0s" CORS Configuration: value for Access-Control-Max-Age.

The REST API component automatically, and additionally, exposes the  HTTP API as a libp2p service on the main libp2p cluster Host (which  listens on port 9096). Exposing the HTTP API as a libp2p  service allows users to benefit from the channel encryption provided by  libp2p. Alternatively, the API supports specifying a fully separate  libp2p Host by providing id, private_key and libp2p_listen_multiaddress.  When using a separate Host, it is not necessary for an API consumer to  know the cluster secret. Both the HTTP and the libp2p endpoints are  supported by the API Client and by ipfs-cluster-ctl.

The ipfs_connector section

The ipfs_connector section contains configurations for  the implementations of the IPFS Connector component, which are meant to  provide a way for the Cluster peer to interact with an IPFS daemon.


This is the default and only IPFS Connector implementation. It provides a gateway to the IPFS daemon API and an IPFS HTTP Proxy.

Key Default Description
listen_multiaddress "/ip4/" IPFS Proxy listen multiaddress.
node_multiaddress "/ip4/" The IPFS daemon HTTP API endpoint. This is the daemon that the peer uses to pin content.
connect_swarms_delay "30s" On start, the Cluster Peer will run ipfs swarm connect to the IPFS daemons of others peers. This sets the delay after starting up.
ipfs_request_timeout "5m0s" Specifies a timeout on general requests to the IPFS daemon for requets without a specific timeout option.
pin_timeout "24h0m0s" Specifies the timeout for pin/add which starts from the last block received for the item being pinned. Thus items which are being pinned slowly will not be cancelled even if they take more than 24h.
unpin_timeout "3h0m0s" Specifies the timeout for pin/rm requests to the IPFS daemon.
unpin_disable false Prevents the connector from unpinning anything (even if the Cluster does).

The pin_tracker section

The pin_tracker section contains configurations for the  implementations of the Pin Tracker component, which are meant to ensure  that the content in IPFS matches the allocations as decided by IPFS  Cluster.


The maptracker implements a pintracker which keeps the local state in memory.

Key Default Description
max_pin_queue_size 1000000 How many pin or unpin requests can be queued waiting to be pinned before we error them directly. Re-queing will be attempted on the next “state sync” as defined by state_sync_interval
concurrent_pins 10 How many parallel pin or unpin requests we make to IPFS. Only makes sense with pin_method set to refs in the ipfs_connector section.


The stateless tracker implements a pintracker which relies on ipfs and the shared state, thus reducing the memory usage in comparison to the maptracker.

Key Default Description
max_pin_queue_size 1000000 How many pin or unpin requests can be queued waiting to be pinned before we error them directly. Re-queing will be attempted on the next “state sync” as defined by state_sync_interval
concurrent_pins 10 How many parallel pin or unpin requests we make to IPFS. Only makes sense with pin_method set to refs in the ipfs_connector section.

The monitor section

The monitor section contains configurations for the  implementations of the Peer Monitor component, which are meant to  distribute and collects monitoring information (informer metrics, pings)  to and from other peers, and trigger alerts.


The pubsubmon implementation collects and broadcasts  metrics using libp2p’s pubsub. This will provide a more efficient and  scalable approach for metric distribution.

Key Default Description
check_interval "15s" The interval between checks making sure that no metrics are expired for any peers in the peerset. If an expired metric is detected, an alert is triggered. This may trigger repinning of items.

The informer section

The informer section contains configuration for  Informers. Informers fetch the metrics which are used to allocate  content to the different peers.


The disk informer collects disk-related metrics at intervals.

Key Default Description
metric_ttl "30s" Time-to-Live for metrics provided by this informer. This will trigger a new metric reading at TTL/2 intervals.
metric_type "freespace" freespace or reposize. The informer will report the free space in the ipfs daemon repository (StorageMax-RepoSize) or the RepoSize.


The numpin informer uses the total number of pins as metric, which collects at intervals.

Key Default Description
metric_ttl "30s" Time-to-Live for metrics provided by this informer. This will trigger a new metric reading at TTL/2 intervals.

The observations section

The observations section contains configuration for application distributed tracing and metrics collection.


The metrics component configures the OpenCensus metrics endpoint for scraping of metrics by Prometheus.

Key Default Description
enable_stats false Whether metrics should be enabled.
prometheus_endpoint /ip4/ Publish collected metrics to endpoint for scraping by Prometheus.
reporting_interval "2s" How often to report on collected metrics.


The tracing component configures the Jaeger tracing client for use by OpenCensus.

Key Default Description
enable_tracing false Whether tracing should be enabled.
jaeger_agent_endpoint /ip4/ Multiaddress to send traces to.
sampling_prob 0.3 How often to be sampling traces.
service_name cluster-daemon Service name that will be associated with cluster traces.

The datastore section

The datastore section contains configuration for different storage backends (currently only badger).


The badger component configures the BadgerDB backend which is used by the CRDT component.

Key Default Description
badger_options {...} Some BadgerDB specific options initialized to their defaults. Setting table_loading_mode and value_log_loading_mode to 0 should help in memory constrained platforms (Raspberry Pis etc. with <1GB RAM)

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